To make the production of our technical clothing more responsible from an environmental point of view, and consequently safer for consumers’ health, we are committed to selecting fabrics with environmental certifications. These certifications allow the production chain to be traced and ensure a responsible production process, as well as improving the performance of the entire process. With this objective, we have imposed stricter limits on our suppliers than those established by European legislation, in terms of both the type and quantity of toxic substances that can be used.
Recognizing the commitment to sustainability
We care a great deal about the safety of the people involved in the production process, but also about the health of the final consumer and environmental integrity.
In order to be able to trace the entire production chain, from the manufacture of the fabric to the creation of the finished product, we ask our suppliers to obtain bluesign® approval when supplying the fabrics, or to work toward obtaining it for subsequent collections.
Through bluesign® approval, we have visibility into the manufacturing methods and the chemicals and polluting substances used and can determine fabrics’ impact on the environment. In addition, the annual renewal of the approval acts as an incentive for suppliers to continuously improve their performance with respect to responsible development and production.
MVC Group has also asked suppliers to commit to not using certain types of chemical and harmful substances and to comply with limits that are more stringent than those imposed by European legislation in the case of permitted substances.

PEF (Product Environmental Footprint) is a universal system for measuring the environmental impact of a product throughout its life cycle. It was developed following Recommendation 2013/179/EU, an act introduced by the European Commission to enable companies to measure and manage their impact along the production chain. The quantification of the PEF is based on the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) method and involves breaking down all the production phases and analyzing the flows of materials and energy and the emissions of toxic substances and waste production (and their disposal) during the life cycle and in the post-consumer period.
Eurojersey, our supplier of garments with Sensitive® fabric technology, received the PEF certificate. The production data demonstrate a significant improvement compared to previous years in terms of lower energy and water consumption and emissions of toxic substances into the environment. The footprint of a product with Sensitive® technology can be estimated using the Footprint Calculator on the supplier’s website. This gives an indication of the amount of carbon produced by a product during its entire life cycle. This decision to promote corporate transparency signifies a strong drive toward continuous improvement.