Chris and Chiara, what is your relationship with nature?
Chris: My relationship with the rock has changed a lot over time. For me, today, climbing on a wall means respecting it, challenging myself, but without being in competition with other climbers. For this reason, I prefer to avoid the most crowded crags and focus on the experience rather than the difficulty of the route.
Chiara: When I climb, nothing else exists around me. Nevertheless, nature has taught me respect for my limits, for people, and for resources. I’m not willing to achieve my goals at any price!
What are your future goals?
Chris: Definitely a top-10 placement in my next competitions, and overcoming the 9a barrier on rock.
Chiara: Exploring new crags across Europe, and pushing myself beyond 9a with Chris.
What’s your favorite Karpos product?
Chris: The Highest Down Hoodie jacket. I use it every day from September to March, both for approaching the wall and for climbing when there’s strong wind and intense cold.
Chiara: I really like the design and versatility of the 80’s Hoodie W Fleece. The fact that it’s halfway between a jersey and a down jacket means I can take it with me for any activity in any conditions.