![Giordania main.jpg Giordania main.jpg](https://karpos.kleecks-cdn.com/medias/Giordania-main-mobile.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfHJvb3R8Njc0NDZ8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xhRGhqTDJnME5DODRPVFF4TkRnNU5ESXlNelkyTDBkcGIzSmtZVzVwWVNCdFlXbHVJRzF2WW1sc1pTNXFjR2N8Yjc0ZmM2ZTg5OWNhMjkxMmFjMjI2N2E5MjViMjdmZmNkM2E3ZDYxZDdlYTUxNTc5M2UwMTY1Yjg5NDVkNzQ5MQ)
It’s damp this morning. We’re in the Middle East and it’s almost summer, but it’s cold. I put on my heavy down jacket and leave the room, full of cushions, where we’re all staying. I climb over my companions, who are sleeping everywhere. I look up, and from a break in the latticework protecting the entrance I see a still dark sky; a few stars indicate that it’s finally clear now. Our adventure is almost over, and although on the one hand I want to return, on the other I know I’ll miss these places. The muezzin arrives from far away, seemingly carried by the wind. The shepherds move in silence with their few sheep and a donkey. I sit on the steps of that poor house wrapped in my down jacket and look around a strange world that is still asleep; I’m still half asleep too, but I need to breathe.
The trip to Jordan was organized by the Central CAI (Club Alpino Italiano) in collaboration with the Jordanian government, with the aim of promoting mountaineering in a wild area of the country.
![Giordania mosaico 6.jpg Giordania mosaico 6.jpg](https://karpos.kleecks-cdn.com/medias/Giordania-mosaico-6.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfHJvb3R8Mjc0MjM5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURWbUwyaGtaQzg0T1RReE5Ea3dOek16TURnMkwwZHBiM0prWVc1cFlTQnRiM05oYVdOdklEWXVhbkJufDBiMzZiNDk1ODQxNTIxMTQxMzYxOWE2NGZkZDBmZDk1NDY0ZGE3OTcwM2ZjOWZlZTRlMmZmYTI0ZjZlYzE4MDc)
![Giordania mosaico 8.jpg Giordania mosaico 8.jpg](https://karpos.kleecks-cdn.com/medias/Giordania-mosaico-8.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfHJvb3R8MTgzOTYwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURobUwyaGtOaTg0T1RReE5Ea3dOVE0yTkRjNEwwZHBiM0prWVc1cFlTQnRiM05oYVdOdklEZ3VhbkJufDY3YzAyNzlmN2VlNWQzNWM2YjE2ODk5NjNhYzY2YjI4ODA3OGE2NTBjYWE1MjcyODAwNGVlNTg0OGEzZWE5Njg)